Gas Rate No. 30 - Retail Power Generation Gas Service
This rate schedule shall be applicable to any retail power generation customer that agrees to receive service hereunder pursuant to a written contract with the Utility.
Gas Rate No. A1 - Supply Administration Service
This rate is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to End-Use Customers, and to End-Use Customers acting as their own Supply Agent, in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. A2 - Usage Balancing Service
This rate is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to a Supplier Group of End-Use Customers, or to End-Use Customers acting as their own Supply Agent, in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. A3 - Basic Usage Balancing Service
This rate is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to a Supplier Group of End-Use Customers who have chosen the Basic Delivery Service Option, or to End-Use Customers acting as their own Supply Agent, who have elected the Basic Delivery Service Option, in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. A4 - Non-Performance Charges
This rate is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to End-Use Customers, End-Use Customers acting as their own Supply Agent, in accordance with the Utility’s requirements.
Gas Rate No. A5 - Non-Recurring Charges
This rate schedule is applicable to End-Use Customers in the Utility's service area.
Gas Rate No. A6 - Reserved for Future Use
This rate schedule is reserved for future use by the Utility.
Gas Rate No. A7 - Information Service
This rate is applicable to End-Use Customers, and to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to Supplier Groups or Supplier Pools of End-Use Customers, in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. A8 - Switching Charges
This rate is applicable to End-Use Customers or 3rd Party Suppliers in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. D1 - Residential Domestic Delivery & Supply Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for residential domestic purposes by an End-Use Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise, with no more than four (4) individual units.
Gas Rate No. D2 - Residential Heating Delivery & Supply Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for residential heating purposes by an End-Use Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise, with no more than four (4) individual units.
Gas Rate No. D3 - General Non-Heating Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for non-heating purposes for a single End-Use Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise.
Gas Rate No. D4 - General Heating Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for heating purposes for a single End-Use Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise.
Gas Rate No. D5 - Large Volume Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for consumption for a single End-Use Customer through one or more Meters supplying a single Premise where the End-Use Customer used a minimum of 300,000 Therms of Gas during the twelve (12) Months prior to initiation of Gas Delivery Service under this rate schedule or, in the Utility's sole judgment, is expected to use such minimum Gas volume level during the first twelve (12) Months of service under this rate schedule.
Gas Rate No. D7 - Compressed Natural Gas Delivery Service (CNG)
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a month or any portion thereof for a single End-Use Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise for purposes limited exclusively to the conversion of such Gas to compressed natural Gas for use in fueling motorized vehicles. The customer shall not use the Gas delivered under this rate for any other purpose.
Gas Rate No. D9 - High Load Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for consumption for a single End-Use Customer through one or more Meters supplying a single Premise where the End-Use Customer used a minimum of 2,000,000 Therms of Gas with a load factor (i.e., average daily Gas usage divided by billing demand) of greater than 50% during the twelve (12) Months prior to initiation of Gas Delivery Service under this rate schedule or, in the Utility’s sole judgment, is expected to use such minimum Gas volume level during the first twelve (12) Months of service under this rate schedule.
Gas Rate No. S1 - Variable-Rate Gas Supply Service
This rate schedule applies to all gas supplied in a month or any portion thereof and delivered under Gas Rate Nos. D3, D4, D5, D6 and D7 unless the End-Use Customer has contracted with a 3rd Party Supplier for gas supply service.
Gas Rate No. S2 - Back-Up Gas Supply Service
This rate schedule is applicable to End-Use Customers with annual usage greater than 50,000 Therms who have elected Back-up Gas Supply Service in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. S3 - Supply Of Last Resort
This rate schedule is applicable to End-Use Customers who have chosen a 3rd Party Supplier in accordance with the Utility's requirements.
Gas Rate No. S4 - Unaccounted-For Gas And Company Use Gas
This rate schedule is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers of a Supplier Group or End-Use Customers acting as their own Supply Agent in accordance with the Utility’s requirements.
View Historical Natural Gas Rates for Marion County