Rider A - Environmental Compliance Plan Recovery Mechanism
The charges specified in Sewer Rate Nos. 1, 2, and 4 shall be adjusted from time to time to reflect an Environmental Compliance Plan ("ECP") Recovery Mechanism. Pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-28, the ECP Recovery Mechanism shall recover the costs of complying in whole or in part with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act or the Clean Water Act.
Rider B - System Integrity Adjustment
The System Integrity Adjustment is a charge, pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-31.5, that allows the Utility to recover from or credit to Customers the difference between the Utility’s actual revenues for a twelve (12) month period and authorized revenues for the same twelve (12) month period. This charge is specific to Sewer Rate Nos. 1, 4 and 6 and shall be adjusted from time to time.
Rider C - Low Income Customer Assistance Program
The Low Income Customer Assistance Program ("LICAP") provides a credit on wastewater service to qualified customers. LICAP also provides qualifying customers assistance with water-saving appliances and repairs.
View Historical Wastewater Rider for Marion County