Steam Rate 1 - General Steam Service
Available for space heating and other general service to customers located adjacent to the Utility's existing steam distribution mains. Not available for customers having an EDR (Equivalent Direct Radiation) of more than 30,000 square feet. This service will be supplied either on a seasonal or year-round basis.
Steam Rate 2 - Demand Rate Service
Available to all steam customers located adjacent to the steam mains of the Utility, providing they contract for a minimum Billing Demand of 50 Therms per hour in the Month of maximum usage during the year, and providing billing will be continuous throughout all twelve Months of the year.
Steam Rate 3 - Additional Summer Service
Available to all steam customers for steam chilling and similar warm weather applications during the Months of April through October and on any day during the Months of November through March, when the mean temperature of the preceding day was 40 degrees fahrenheit or higher as measured by the National Weather Office at the Indianapolis International Airport, unless the Utility notifies the customer that such Additional Summer Steam is not available.
View Historical Steam Rates for Marion County