Gas Rate No. A1 - Miscellaneous Charges
This rate schedule provides for Automated Meter Reading Service charges and Non-Performance charges.
Gas Rate No. A2 - Unaccounted-For Gas
This rate schedule is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers of a Supplier Group in accordance with the Company’s requirements.
Gas Rate No. A3 - Balancing Service
This rate schedule is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to a Supplier Group of Customers in accordance with the Company’s requirements.
Gas Rate No. A4 - Supply Administration Service
This rate is applicable to 3rd Party Suppliers providing gas supply services to Customers in accordance with the Company's requirements.
Gas Rate No. D20 - Residential Delivery & Supply Services
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for residential domestic and residential heating purposes by a Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise, with no more than (4) individual units.
Gas Rate No. D30 - Industrial Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for year-round industrial processing and incidental general purposes for a single Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise.
Gas Rate No. D40 - Commercial Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for cooking, heating, water heating, and/or other commercial use by a single Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise.
Gas Rate No. D50 - Large Volume Interruptible Delivery Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas delivered in a Month or any portion thereof for consumption for a single Customer through one Meter supplying a single Premise where the Customer uses in excess of 50,000 Dekatherms (Dths) of Gas per year. A Customer served under this tarff is required at all times to have alternate fuel capabilities.
Gas Rate No. S1 – Variable-Rate Gas Supply Service
This rate schedule applies to all Gas supplied in a Month or any portion thereof and delivered under Gas Rate Nos. D20, D30, D40, and D50 unless an eligible Customer has contracted with a 3rd Party Supplier for gas supply service.
Gas Rate No. S2 – Supply of Last Resort
This rate schedule is applicable to Customers who have chosen a 3rd Party Supplier in accordance with the Company’s requirements.
View Historical Natural Gas Rates for Westfield