Rates & Regulatory Notices

Natural Gas Appendices for Westfield

adobe pdf Appendix A - Gas Supply Charges
Charges applicable to the Company's 3rd Party Suppliers to recover the cost of gas, including pipeline transportation and balancing services, incurred by the Company to provide Basic Usage Balancing, and Non-Performance services.

adobe pdf Appendix B - Current Gas Supply Charges
Charges applicable to the Company's 3rd Party Suppliers to recover the cost of gas, including pipeline transportation and balancing services, incurred by the Company to provide Basic Usage Balancing, and Non-Performance services.

adobe pdf Appendix C - Non-Recurring Charges
Charges applicable to all customers pertaining to Bad Check Charge, Deliquent Account Collection Charge, and Reconnect/Disconnect Charges.

adobe pdf Appendix D - Normal Temperature Adjustment
Adjusts each Customer’s monthly billed amount to reverse the impact on margin recovery caused by non-normal temperatures during the billing period, as measured by actual heating degree day variations from normal heating degree days.

adobe pdf Appendix E - Energy Efficiency Adjustment
Adjusts Gas Rate Nos. D20 and D40 to reflect an Energy Efficiency Funding Component and a Sales Reconciliation Component.

adobe pdf Appendix F - Regulatory Asset Amortization
Allows for recovery of accumulated Energy Efficiency rebate costs

View Historical Natural Gas Appendices for Westfield